Jeanne Boden© Stefaan Van der Biest

“Europe and Asia are my yin and yang, always in search for balance.”

I am a Sinologist, researcher, writer, photographer, artist. A friend once called me a deer, hopping between worlds. For me all these worlds overlap.


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De Grens. Een reflectie over de dood, rusteloosheid, schoonheid, Europa en China (NL | ENG forthcoming)
Boekvoorstelling inschrijven via STAM Gent 6 February 2025
De Grens (r)De Grens (v)


Video: Talks, Interviews

Photography: Blog

[Free access]Contemporary Chinese Art. Post-socialist, Post-traditional, Post-colonialDownload PDF
Water (Art book, oil paintings by Jeanne Boden) Order here
Chinese Propaganda Seducing the World
(ENG) Order here
Chinese Propaganda verblindt de wereld (NL) Order here
Cultural Quantum. A Practical Method for Efficient Cross-Cultural Cooperation (ENG) Order here