© Jeanne Boden

Oil Painting

A lifetime of immersion into Asia, studying classical ink painting and its holistic aesthetic framework (floating perspective, emptiness, movement of energy) as well as contemporary art while being trained in oil painting in Europe balances my work between East and West.

Oil paint is my medium. My artwork is known for its sketchy bold and powerful brushstrokes. With brush and oil paint I carve out rocks and rivers evoking tranquil mountainous landscapes shrouded in mist and clouds, I splash waves into spacious seascapes, compose cloudscapes, or try to grasp the frenetic atmosphere of big cities.

More information on jeanneboden.art

Art Research| Art Projects (selection)

Art Research:
(1993) Xu Wei 徐渭, 16th century ink painter, scholar, poet, calligrapher, and playwright. This immersed me in the principles of traditional Chinese ink painting and its aesthetic and philosophical framework and planted the seeds for deep and enduring interest in Chinese/Asian art. As of 1997 I focused my research on contemporary Chinese art.
PhD (2011) What is Chinese in contemporary Chinese art? published as Contemporary Chinese Art: Post-socialist, Post-traditional, Post-colonial
Research Ding Yi 丁乙, Fang Lijun 方力钧, Feng Mengbo 冯梦波, Gao Xingjian 高行健, Geng Jianyi 耿建翌, Han Lei 韩磊, Li Shan 李山, Liu Wei 刘炜, Shen Fan 沈凡, Song Haidong宋海冬, Song Yongping 宋永平, Sun Liang 孙良, Wang Guangyi 王广义, Wang Bing 王兵, Wang Youshen 王友身, Wang Ziwei 王子卫, Xu Bing 徐冰, Yang Fudong 杨福东, Xue Song 薛松, Yu Hong 喻红, Yu Youhan 余友涵, Zhang Peili 张培力, Zhou Tiehai 周铁海

Art Projects with Wayn Traub Maria Magdalena in Beijing and Hong Kong, Rolf A. Kluenter, Sanny Winters, David Hyde

Curator Pluriversal Worlds in a Grain of Sand (Zebra, Gent);
Contribution: Venice Biennale Future Pass. From Asia to the West curated by Victoria Lu, at Venice Biennale, Rotterdam, Taichung, Beijing

Lecturer KU Leuven, Contemporary Chinese Art in Historical Perspective; Art history from 1860 – today
VUB, Brussels Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Contemporary Chinese Art

Expert committees Europalia-China, Cinema Novo, China Focus

Publications: Art, Photography, Film

Art Books

WATER, Jeanne Boden

Pluriversal worlds in a grain of sand, Jeanne Boden, Rik Pinxten


MIRROR, Jeanne Boden, Sanny Winters

© Koen Broos

Reference Books


NEXUS IV at Boppard Museum
Looking into the past – Recognizing the present – Anticipating the future
ARK 2021

Nexus Nordlichter: eine reichhaltige Hommage an „den Norden“ und an das Leben
Nexus Nordlichter: an abundant tribute to “the North” and to life
Ark 2020

In and Out Shanghai
art #158, 2016

Escaping the room. A Post-socialist reading of Wang Bing’s Father & Sons
Intellect Ltd. 2015, Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Vol 2, Number 2 & 3
doi: 10.1386/jcca.2.2-3.177_1

Galerie SinArts Space For opent in Brussel met Chen Xi
<H>art #151, 2016

Ancestors and photography in China. Wang Youshen’s Before and After Grandmother passed away (download pdf)
Image & Narrative 2015/16.2

Wordt de kunstgeschiedenis herschreven?
<H>art No 119, 28 November 2013

Geng Jianyi and Wang Guangyi in Retrospective
<H>art No 104, 29 November 2012

Populaire beelden met diepgang. Aziatische hedendaagse kunst op de Biennale in Venetie
<H>art No 83, July 2011

Animamix: 21st Century Aesthetics
世界艺术World Art, Beijing January 2010

Een geschenk uit de (Chinese) hemel
<H>art No 71, September 2010

Chinese cartoons tussen traditie en sociaal engagement
Scherper, nr 17, March 2010

Animamix: de nieuwe esthetiek van de 21ste eeuw
<H>art No 61, January 2010

Yang Fudong’s Aesthetic Paradise 杨福东的美学天堂
世界艺术 World Art, Beijing, October 2009

Art & China’s Revolution/De Culturele Revolutie in China en de wortels van de hedendaagse Chinese kunst
Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen 324 2009

Hedendaagse kunst onder Mao
Knack 38 nr 44, 2008

Shanghai Biennale: TransLocalMotion
<H>art, nr 42, 2008

100 jaar Chinese film: artistiek en sociaal engagement
Cinemagie nr 257, 2006

De impact van 25 jaar hervorming in de Volksrepubliek China: de evolutie in de film
Brood & Rozen, AMSAB 2004

House of Flying Daggers: de perfectie van Zhang Yimou
Film&Televisie 2004

Chinese cultuur zoekt en vindt eigen profiel
De Tijd 2003

West of the Tracks/25 kids and 1 dad
Film&Televisie 537, 2003

Blue Gate Crossing
Film&Televisie 533, 2003

De symboliek in de Chinese film
Cinemagie 242, 2003

Gao Xingjian: avant-gardist met taoïstische allures
Kunsttijdschrift Vlaanderen 296, 2003

Stille pure schoonheid
De Morgen 2003

Een zoon voor het nageslacht. The Orphan of Anyang
Film&Televisie 529, 2003

De chauffeur en de sjamaan
De Morgen 2003

De symboliek in de Chinese film
Cinemagie 241, 2002

De elektrische schaduw van Cinema Novo
Tijd Cultuur 2002

De universele waarde van Gao Xingjian
FET 2000