Since the beginning of the 1990s, I have built an extensive archive of photographs and video. I have documented the rapid changes in China and in other places in Asia, and I have filmed and photographed many rituals.
Photograph Publications
Books (selection)
Jeanne Boden, Chinese propaganda seducing the world, PUNCT, 2019
Jeanne Boden, Xinjiang. De nieuwe grens van China, ASP, 2010
Jeanne Boden, ‘Can the West learn from China?’ In: Wynants Marleen, Engelen Sara Ed. We Can Change the Weather. 100 Energy Efficiency Cases to Start Doing So Crosstalks. Academic & Scientific Publishers/ASP 2010
Chen, Orum, Paulsen, Introduction to Cities. How place and space shape human experience
Wiley-Blackwell, 2012
Magazines (selection)
Yu Haiqing, Governing and Representing HIV/AIDS in China
IJAPS, Vol 8, No.1 (January 2012)
De nieuwe grens, Knack (3 November 2010)
Modern China sterk geworteld in oeroude tradities
China Nu (September 2010)
Animamix: 21st Century Aesthetics, 世界艺术
World Art, Beijing January 2010
Animamix: de nieuwe esthetiek van de 21ste eeuw
<H>art, januari 2010
Xinjiang in noord-west China, een smeltkroes van culturen aan het eind van de wereld
Knack 60 items on Xinjiang, December 2009 – March 2010
MM Maria Magdalena Book
Wayn Traub, Toneelhuis, 2009
Shanghai Biennale: TransLocalMotion
<H>art, nr 42 (2008)
Kashgar. De westhoek van China. De Chinezen kwamen met de trein
Knack 38 nr 34 (2008)
Peking 8/8/8 om 8 uur
Knack 38 nr 2 (2008)
Reclame in China: de nieuwe cultuur
PUB Vakblad voor reclame, marketing en media (2006)