Presentations header image© Zhang Peili

Requests for interviews or lectures can be sent to:

Interviews television, radio, media (selection)

Trouw | Tijdgeest 2023, Klara Pompidou 2021, Trends 2020, Kanaal Z 2019, Apache 2019, China Nu 2019, Knack 2019, Trends 2019, De Standaard 2019, VRT Canvas Nachtwacht China 2019, BNR Radio 2018, Apache 2018, HR Magazine 2017, FD Magazine 2017, Nieuwsblad 2017, Radio Klara – Trio 2016, Het Laatste Nieuws 2015, De Tijd 2014, Radio 1 2013, 星島日報- 2013, Radio Klara 2012, BNR Nieuwsradio 2010, De Tijd 2010, Trends 2010, Kanaal Z 2010, NRC 2010, Knack 2010, Chinese government Nanchang 2009, Radio Klara ‘Trio’ (29/08/2009 Taiwan; 5/09/2009 Hong Kong), SWUFE Chengdu China 2009, Asian Web Radio Yellow Vitamines 2008, Deutsche Welle 2008, De Financiële Morgen 2008, De Standaard 2008, Het Financieel Dagblad 2008, BNR Business Nieuwsradio Amsterdam (The Frontline) 2008, Chinese Radio Amsterdam 2006, Radio Vlaanderen Internationaal 2006


International Organizations (selection)

NATO Head Quarters, Public Diplomacy Division, Brussels, 21 November 2013: “How to communicate efficiently to Chinese and North East Asian audiences”

Olympic Committee, Belgian Olympic Committee, BOIC, Brussels, 3 July 2008: “Preparing for Olympic China”

Governmental (selection)

European Commission, Brussels, 10 April 2014: “Working with Chinese interlocutors. Understanding China”

College of Europe, European Union, Brussels, 3-4 April 2014: International conference Mass Communication and EU-China Relations, “Eurocentrism and Sinocentrism in Media reporting on China in the West”

FPS Ministry of Economy, Brussels, 18 November 2013: “Efficiently cooperating with China”

Belgian Embassy in Beijing, 17 September 2010: “How efficiently do you communicate with China?”

Nanchang Government, Nanchang, China, 9 August 2009: “Looking at Europe from China: 跨文化交流”

Professional Organizations and Chambers of Commerce (selection)

Flanders Investment & Trade Trade, Brussels, 9 February 2021: “Post Covid-19: How to reconnect with China?”

Etion, Forum voor geëngageerd ondernemen, Leuven, 27 December 2019: “Twee kanten van de Chinese medaille (two sides of the Chinese medal)”

Guanxi. Het China kennisnetwerk, Den Haag, 31 October 2019: “Historische herdenkingen: China’s markante jaartallen

European Institute for Asian Studies, Brussels, 21 June 2019: “China’s Future: Domestic and International Contradictions and Challenges”

HKTDC and ING, Hong Kong and China, partners along the Belt and Road, Brussels, 21 April 2016: panel

Foreign Trade Association, Brussels, 15 May 2014: “Efficiently working and communicating with China”

Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Luxembourg, 9 October 2013: “Managing the business and cultural environment: a key to successful negotiations”

Eurochambres, AMS, Antwerp Management School, Antwerp, 7 June 2011: “Understanding China” Expert Class Series, Antwerp: “A cross-cultural case study: the Wahaha – Danone case”

Rotterdam Chamber of Commerce, Rotterdam, 12 March 2009: “How efficiently do you communicate in China?”

Benelux Chamber of Commerce Beijing, Beijing, 21 May 2008: “Working in China: efficiently and in harmony”

Academic (selection)

TU Delft, Studium Generale, Delft, 15 November 2021: Global Philosophies: Confucianism, Taoism, Theater de Veste

Sinapsis Peru 2019, Ghent, 24 October 2019: “Building sustainable cross-cultural networks”

European Institute for Asian Studies, Brussels, 21 June 2019: “Contradictions in China’s Domestic and International Communication: The Problem of China’s Global Image”

Interreg, Ghent, 3 June 2019: “Understanding (corporate) cultures across borders”

International School for Protocol and Diplomacy, Brussels, 17 February 2016: “China’s internal and external communication”

College of Europe, Brussels, 4 April 2014: “Eurocentrism and Sinocentrism in media reporting on China in the West”

KU Leuven, Leuven, 10 December 2013: “Body and spirit, life and death in Chinese photography”

UNICA Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe, Compostela, Santander, Brussels, 7 June 2012: “Confucian Harmony versus Democracy and Debate. Strategies for Successful Europe China Collaboration in Research and Education”

University of Tilburg, Symposium “Beyond the Chinese Wall”, Tilburg, 14 October 2010: “Eurocentrism and Sinocentrism in EU-China business cooperation” (Invited talk, panel)

Madariaga College of Europe Foundation, Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies, AWEX, Confucius Institute of Liege, Center for Ethnic and Migration Studies, Belgian Chinese Chamber of Commerce, “China State of the Art Conference”, Palais de Academies, Brussels, 3 December 2009: “Eurocentrism and Sinocentrism in doing business with China” (Invited talk and panel)

SWUFE, South West University of Economics, Chengdu, China, 20 April 2006: “Europe unveiled”

Leiden University, Leiden, 11 October 2004: “Legacies of the Middle Empire”

Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 24 January 2002: “Legacies of the Middle Empire”

Art and Cultural Institutions (selection)

Zebra, Pluriversal Worlds in a Grain if Sand, Ghent, 8 December 2022: “Thinking beyond one’s own reference framework”

#SinArts, Pakhuis De Zwijger, Amsterdam, 20 May 2015: “What is Chinese in contemporary Chines art?”

Guanxi Nu, Utrecht, 12 March 2015: “Artistic freedom in China”

Vlaams-Nederlands Huis de Buren, Vlaams Architectuur- instituut De Singel, Go West Project, Antwerp, 29 March 2012: “China’s Moving Cities”

Book Fair Antwerp, In dialogue with professor Anthropologie Rik Pinxten, Antwerp, 7 November 2010: “Xinjiang”

Europalia, European Cartoon Center, Kruishoutem, 5 January 2010: “Chinese cartoons between tradition and social engagement”

Europalia, ATAB, Antwerp, 11 November: “China and Photography”

Amazone, Europalia, Brussels, 15 October 2009: “The elusiveness of (Chinese) identity”

De Brakke Grond, “De Chinese Draak (The Chinese Dragon), De Brakke Zondag over China”, Amsterdam, 30 March 2008: (panel)

Timezone 8, 798 Art Zone, Beijing, 22 January 2008: “Art explosion in the 1980s”

Film Museum, Brussels, 6 November 2006: “New Chinese Films in New China”

Cinema Novo, China Focus, Bruges, 12 March 2005: “Sense and Censorship in China”

Walry, Ghent, 10 November 1999: “Book presentation: Ma Yuan and Su Tong translated into Dutch”